The following information is from Social Security Fairness.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) is currently working to implement the newly passed law to restore your benefits. Recalculating your Social Security and adding last year’s benefits can be a complex task, so it will take some time, possibly months or even more. Make sure the SSA has all your information they need.
- First check the instructions for the WEP/GPO Social Security ACT at this link:
- Near the upper left edge of the page, you can click Subscribe to receive SSA’s latest information updates.
- If you have not yet filed for your Social Security benefits, you can do so by calling the SSA at 1-800-772-1213. When asked, say you are calling about “Social Security Fairness.” If you are filing for survivor benefits, you must call rather than setting up benefits online.
- The easiest way may be to apply online at
- There are still local offices where you may make an appointment or just drop in.
It is useful to understand the different situations in which retirees affected by the WEP/GPO find themselves. Which of these five categories apply to you?
1. Affected by the WEP and currently receiving reduced benefits?
SSA has the information necessary to recalculate your benefit.You will receive notification after the change has been made.
2. Affected by the GPO, eligible for spousal benefits and currently receiving reduced benefits? SSA has your information and will recalculate your benefits.
3. Affected by both the WEP and GPO and receiving reduced benefits?
SSA will recalculate your personal earnings from the information they have to remove both the WEP penalty and the GPO penalty. If you receive Social Security retirement benefits on your own record, they will pay the amount no longer reduced by the WEP, but if your benefits as a spouse or survivor would be higher than your own benefits, you will only get the larger of the two benefits.
4. Filed for spousal or survivor benefits, but have not received them because of the GPO?
Make sure the SSA has your complete current information, including your bank routing number and account number. Filing again may cause a later start to your benefits.
5. NEVER filed for spousal or survivor benefits before?
File for benefits as soon as possible. You need dates of marriage and divorce (death, if applicable), and spouse’s Social Security number. You may be eligible to receive benefits only for the six months prior to your filing date, so file ASAP! NOTE: If you filed only for Medicare on your spouse’s record, you need to file for Social Security cash benefits, too.
There are many elderly seniors who have become eligible for spousal/survivor benefits and don’t know about it or don’t know how to file. Please reach out and help them apply for what they deserve!
***When you call or go by to claim spousal/survivor benefits, if they give you a future appointment, you should request that the date you are calling be considered the “protective filing date.” Otherwise your benefits might start at the later date of your appointment, and you can lose the month or so of benefits between your call and the appointment. This is because the wording of the bill did not change the normal SSA filing rules, and normal filing rules only allow you to receive benefits starting six months before you file.
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